The Seedbed in Criminal Law «CRIMINAL JURIS» It is established as a study and research space dedicated to the analysis of the criminal system and the principles of criminal justice. In an environment where the application of criminal law faces constant challenges and debates, this hotbed aims to critically explore the theoretical and practical bases of criminal law, as well as examine emblematic cases, theories of crime, penalties and security measures. With the participation of students and professionals interested in the criminal legal field, the seedbed seeks to contribute to the development of a comprehensive understanding of the criminal justice system and its implications in society.
The Seedbed in Criminal Law «CRIMINAL JURIS» It focuses on the detailed analysis of the criminal investigation and trial processes, from the initial phase of the investigation to the stage of execution of criminal measures. Through the study of practical cases and debates on current issues in criminal matters, the aim is to deepen the understanding of the mechanisms of application of criminal law and its impact on the guarantee of individual and collective rights. In addition, critical reflection on criminal policies and legislative reforms will be promoted, with the aim of promoting a more just, effective and respectful penal system of democratic principles and human rights.
Analysis of the Penal System: Explore and analyze the functioning of the penal system, including its institutions, procedures and guiding principles, in order to understand its structure and dynamics.
Study of Theories of Crime: Examine the main theories of crime, such as causalist, finalist, functionalist and normativist theories, to understand the conceptual bases of criminal imputation and criminal responsibility.
Investigation of Emblematic Cases: Analyze emblematic cases of criminal jurisprudence, both nationally and internationally, to identify the applicable legal principles and practical implications in the resolution of criminal conflicts.
Exploration of Penalties and Security Measures: Study the various penalties and security measures provided for in the legal system, as well as their purpose, scope and application in judicial practice.
Criminal Investigation and Trial Processes: Analyze in detail the criminal investigation and trial processes, from the initial stage of the investigation to the stage of execution of criminal measures, in order to understand their operation and guarantee respect for the fundamental rights of the people involved.
The “JURIS PENAL” Criminal Law Seedbed is based on solid conceptual and theoretical bases of criminal law, which include:
1. Theories of Crime
Study of the main theories of crime, such as causalist, finalist, functionalist and normativist theories, to understand the conceptual bases of criminal imputation and criminal responsibility (García, J., 2019).
2. Principles of Criminal Justice
Analysis of the guiding principles of criminal law, such as the principle of legality, guilt, proportionality and humanity of penalties, to guarantee a fair criminal system that respects fundamental rights (López, M., 2020).
3. Criminal Jurisprudence
Study of national and international criminal jurisprudence, to understand the interpretation and application of criminal regulations in specific cases and in situations of criminal conflict (Martínez, J., 2019).
- Quintero, L. (2007). Crime Theory. Editorial Jurídica Panameña.ñozPope.pdf
- Mendoza, R. (2019). The application of the principle of guilt in Panamanian criminal jurisprudence. UMECIT Legal Magazine, 5(2), 78-92.
- González, J. (2022,). Recent changes in the Penal Code of Panama. The Press, p. A3.
- UMECIT University. (sf). Department of Criminal Law. UMECIT University. Recovered from
- Ramírez, E. (2021). The evolution of criminal law in Latin America. In V. Pérez (Ed.), Comparative Criminal Law in Latin America (pp. 45-63). Panamericana Editorial.
- Rodríguez, M. (2018). Criminological Analysis of Juvenile Delinquency in Panama (Doctoral thesis, UMECIT University).
- Ministry of Public Security of Panama. (2022). Annual Citizen Security Report. Government of Panama.
- López, F. (2023, September 15). Current challenges of the penitentiary system in Panama. Paper presented at the International Congress of Criminal Law, Panama City.
- Pérez, G. (2024, February 2). Perspectives on penal reform in Panama. Personal interview.
- Panama Judicial Canal. (2021). Master Conference: «The role of the judge in the criminal process». [Video file]. Recovered from
1. Analysis of Legal-Criminal Cases
The general objective of this project is to analyze relevant criminal legal cases, both nationally and internationally, to identify the constituent elements of the crime, the mitigating and aggravating circumstances, and the applicable penalties.
2. Debates on Criminal Policy
This project seeks to promote debate and reflection on current issues in criminal policy, such as drug legalization, sentence reduction, restorative justice and crime prevention.
3. Preparation of Legislative Proposals
The general objective of this project is to develop legislative proposals in criminal matters, based on a critical analysis of current regulations and the identified needs, in order to promote legislative reforms that strengthen the criminal justice system and guarantee respect for human rights. .
4. Simulations of Criminal Trials
This project aims to simulate criminal trials to understand the functioning of the criminal justice system, from the presentation of evidence to the issuance of sentences, and to promote the development of practical and argumentative skills among participants.
Lead teacher